Prof Vikas Slariya is a writer for McGraw Hill Education books, with Masters in Mechanical Engineering. He had been a research scholar with IIT Delhi. He has an extensive experience of Teaching students enrolled in International Curriculum such as IB, AP & IGCSE as well as preparing for the exams from the last 22 years. He offers high quality Tutoring to Students enrolled in IB Physics, AP Physics and IGCSE Physics.

Prof Vikas Slariya - IB Physics Tutors AP Physics Tutors



➡ Improve their understanding of difficult mathematical and physical concepts.
➡ Develop a deep knowledge of the syllabus
➡ Perfect their exam technique to increase speed and efficiency.
➡ Learn proven techniques to approach each type of questions.
➡ Identify areas of weakness to target for improvement.
➡ Prepare a study schedule up until the exams.


Offline Video Lectures

Live Lectures

Chapter Wise Tests
