AP Physics 2 Online Classes / AP Physics 2 Tutors

Looking for AP Physics 2 Tutors? AP Physics 2 Online Classes are Tutored by Prof. Vikas Slariya, one of the best AP Physics 2 Tutors. Prof Vikas Slariya, who is the well renowned author for McGraw Hill Education. Teaching Physics is his passion for the last 25 years.
AP Physics 2 is an advanced placement course offered by the College Board which focuses on the principles and applications of physics.
It follows the second part of a two-course sequence, with AP Physics 1 serving as the prerequisite. AP Physics 2 builds upon the foundational concepts learned in AP Physics 1 and delves deeper into various topics in physics.
The primary goal of AP Physics 2 is to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental principles governing the behavior of matter and energy.
The course covers a wide range of topics, including fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, electricity andd magnetism, optics, and modern physics . Details are as mentioned:
Fluids – – – – 10 – 12%
- Fluid systems
- Density
- Pressure and forces
- Fluids and free-body diagrams
- Buoyancy
- Conservation of energy in fluid flow
- Conservation of mass flow rate in fluids
Thermodynamics – – – – 12 -18%
- Thermodynamic systems
- Pressure, thermal equilibrium, and the Ideal Gas Law
- Thermodynamics and forces
- Heat and energy transfer
- Thermodynamics and collisions
- Probability, thermal equilibrium, and entropy
Electric Force, Field, and Potential – – – – 18 – 22%
- Electric systems and charge
- Charge distribution: Friction, conduction, and induction
- Electric permittivity
- Electric forces and free-body diagrams
- Gravitational and electromagnetic forces
- Electric charges and fields
- Conservation of electric energy
Electric Circuits – – – – 10 – 14%
- Definition and conservation of electric charge
- Resistivity and resistance
- Resistance and capacitance
- Kirchhoff’s loop rule
- Kirchhoff’s junction rule and the conservation of electric charge
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction – – – – 10 – 12%
- Magnetic systems
- Magnetic permeability and magnetic dipole moment
- Vector and scalar fields
- Monopole and dipole fields
- Magnetic fields and forces
- Forces review
- Magnetic flux
Geometric and Physical Optics – – – – 12 – 14%
- Waves
- Electromagnetic waves
- Periodic waves
- Refraction, reflection, and absorption
- Images from lenses and mirrors
- Interference and diffraction
Quantum, Atomic, and Nuclear Physics – – – – 10 – 12%
- Systems and fundamental forces
- Radioactive decay
- Energy in modern physics (energy in radioactive decay and E=mc2)
- Mass–energy equivalence
- Properties of waves and particles
- Photoelectric effect
- Wave function and probability
AP Physics 2 rigorously works upon theoretical explanations, mathematical problem-solving, and laboratory investigations. Students develop critical thinking skills and the ability to apply scientific principles to real-world situations.
One major area of focus in AP Physics 2 is fluid mechanics. Students explore the behavior of fluids (liquids and gases) under different conditions, studying concepts such as pressure, buoyancy, and fluid flow.
They learn about Archimedes’ principle, Pascal’s principle, and Bernoulli’s equation, which help explain phenomena like floating objects, hydraulic systems, and the dynamics of fluids in motion.
Thermodynamics in AP Physics 2 covers the principles of heat, temperature, energy transfer laws of thermodynamics, including the concepts of work, internal energy, and entropy. Students learn about heat engines, refrigerators, and heat pumps, and how these devices relate to the principles of thermodynamics.
The course also covers electricity and magnetism, building upon the basic concepts introduced in AP Physics 1. Students explore topics such as electric circuits, electric fields, magnetic fields, and electromagnetic induction.
They learn to analyze circuits and calculate quantities like current, voltage, resistance, and power. Additionally, students investigate the behavior of charged particles in electric and magnetic fields, as well as the principles behind electromagnetic waves.
Optics being the core component of AP Physics 2, covers the behavior and properties of light, including reflection, refraction, formation of images by mirrors and lens along with wave nature of light, the concept of interference and diffraction, functioning of optical instruments like microscopes and telescopes.
Lastly, AP Physics 2 introduces students to selected topics in modern physics, including quantum mechanics, nuclear physics, and particle physics. While the coverage of these topics is not as extensive as in a college-level course, it provides a glimpse into the principles and discoveries that shape our understanding of the physical world at the atomic and subatomic levels.
Throughout the course, students engage in hands-on laboratory experiments to deepen their understanding of physics concepts and develop essential scientific inquiry skills. These experiments allow students to apply their theoretical knowledge, practice data analysis, and enhance their ability to design and conduct scientific investigations.
At the end of the course, students have the opportunity to take the AP Physics 2 exam, which consists of multiple-choice questions, free-response questions, and a laboratory investigation component. Scoring well on the exam can earn students college credit or advanced placement in physics courses, depending on the policies of individual colleges and universities.
In conclusion, AP Physics 2 provides a comprehensive exploration of various topics in physics, ranging from fluid mechanics and thermodynamics to electricity and magnetism, optics, and modern physics. The course aims to foster a deep understanding of fundamental principles and develop critical thinking skills through problem-solving and laboratory investigations. By successfully completing AP Physics 2, students can develop a solid foundation in physics that prepares them for further studies in science, engineering, or related fields.
AP Physics 2 gives stress to facts-based learning. To prepare for the AP Physics 2 exam, students can use variety of sources like textbooks, practice problems as well review courses. The College Board provides a detailed course description and a list of recommended textbooks and resources on their website. But still students need to gather information and prepare notes and assignments based on their collected information, since there are no exact syllabus and pattern matching books for the exam.
So getting the right and effective study material is a bit challenging in AP Physics 2 curriculum.
Tips for Success
AP Physics 2 is undoubtedly one of the most difficult courses students encounter in their academic career. The amount of material covered is extensive, the concepts are complex, a great deal of thinking along with hard work on students’ part is required.
We generally recommend the following books where we can get most of the relevant study material at one place.
- Fundamentals of Physics by Resnick, Halliday & Walker
- Cutnell & Jonhson
- University Physics by Hugh D. Young Roger A. Freedman
- Open Stax’s AP Physics
- Princeton Review AP Physics 2
In order to receive individualized guidance and support in exam preparation, it may also be beneficial to enroll in a review course or hire AP Physics 2 Tutor
Prof. Vikas Slariya is teaching students enrolled in AP Physics 2.
- He has authored various books for McGraw Hill Education and is an educational consultant for various Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Courses.
- Had been Research Scholar with IIT Delhi
- Taught more than 10000 stdts at School, College and University level across different curriculums across the world
- Carries 22 years of teaching experience
- Has excellent subject grip….( Try a demo session first )
- Is conducting one- o- one as well as group online zoom classes
- Course is supported by relevant and to the point study material
- Topic wise recorded video lectures
- Online testing platform for MCQs and separate APC E &M Free Response Questions Bank
Extensive practice of Topic wise Previous Year Question Papers
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